Posts tagged travel
English Holiday 2023

It’s been almost a month since we left for our two-week holiday in England. This year, myself and my husband both turn 50 marking this our 50-years of living celebration trip. When we started talking doing a 50 trip, we thought of different places to go, and England came up time and again - because we both enjoy it so much and he wanted to show me The Lake District - a place he has talked about since the day we met. So with much nudging from me, we booked tickets, created our 4-leg holiday that including visiting his family, time in the Lake District, London, and visiting his Uni - Nottingham University where he studied Chemistry. One thing worth notting is our experience studying at University are very similar. We both went to college in 1991 and have similar memories packing up and moving away, getting into trouble (but not really), and our love for Pearl Jam and Nirvana which was heavily played for both of us when we were at school.

So with a pencil sketched map of our trip, we packed our bags and grabbed our passports and set out for jam-packed, lovin’ holiday full of family, food, laughs, gardens, hikes and more.

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