Posts tagged self talk
The Business of a Cycling Coach - Look back at two years

On July 1, 2021 I made one of the biggest decisions of life…one of the hardest decisions of my life - I quit a stable, 401K paying, 6-weeks of vacation job as the Fitness Center Manager. On that day, I took a chance on myself to become Outdoor Fitness Coach full time. OFC started back in 2010 when I trained groups for one-day Mt. Whitney Summits and created Outdoor Fitness Coach Blog. And I continued to run my business on the side: before work, after work, and on the weekends any chance to squeeze in 1-2 hours or more wherever and however. Not only was it exhausting to carry on this way but I also had this deep pull - not just a voice in my head but energy in my bones to commit 100% to OFC. After a long conversation with my husband, and a longer one with myself, we came up a plan and I did the thing I had been waiting to do for years - I resigned. Hallelujah!!! What an extraordinary feeling full of adrenaline, joy, excitement, disbelief and yes fear. It was time for me to see what Outdoor Fitness Coach was all about.

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