Local Legends - Episode 23 with Nate Miller (TASCO~MTB)

Welcome to the second season of Local Legends. Super excited for the new year and new exciting guests.

We launch the year with this fun conversation with Nate Miller. Nate and I met almost ten years ago in the sleepy town of Downieville, CA just north of Tahoe about 12-14 drive from San Diego. It was pretty serendipitous how we met hundreds of miles from San Diego and yet we lived one mile apart!

Fast forward to 2023 - Nate grew the TASCO business from his garage and selling t-shirts at local races to now being an online business and found in major retail stores including REI. 

In this conversation:

* we talk about the TASCO brand

* the TASCO race team and its impact

* we talk about business - how it grew organically and continues to grow and evolve.   

Enjoy this conversation with Nate